About us.vom Pfälzer Wald GSD Kennels
We are German Shepherd dog breeders with over 20 years of experience with German Shepherd dogs. We are one of very few breeders in South Africa with a Diamond Breeders medal. Training
We train our dogs at the Cradle GSD club. They are trained for protection work, obedience, and many other disciplines. Breeding
We only breed a select number of beautiful litters per year. We strive to breed happy and healthy German Shepherd dogs, the REAL family protectors. We carefully select the bloodlines we breed from, and we try to breed a successful litter every time. The following criteria of the GSDF are met in all our breeding dogs.
We often compete in official GSDF events, such as shows, competitions, and trials, where we actively exhibit all our dogs. This results in knowledge of any particular dog's virtues and faults, helping us to actively improve the breed. Our puppies are raised...
Our puppies are raised in our home with a lot of Human and animal interaction. By the time they are sold, they are tattooed and registered. They are only available when 8+ weeks old. View the puppy page for more. |